Coronavirus Is A Scam: Let Everything Return To Normal

I'm tired of hearing preposterous and stunning statements like "COVID 19 is a scam"  "NCDC is dishing out mythical figures, corona doesn't exist." 

Even a state governor once said the Federal Government is marketing coronavirus.

To end these shenanigans here's my candid viewpoint. 

The government should hands-off on everything  COVID 19. Schools, hotels, market places, worship centres, clubs should be allowed to reopen and run in full capacity.

All social activities and events should be allowed to operate without restraints, wearing of face mask be discretionary. Travel restrictions and lockdowns relaxed. Let every activity return to normal.

Testing, isolation and quarantine centres should close down. Let's pretend corona doesn't exist. 

If anyone gets infected he should seek for test and treatment just as we do with malaria and typhoid. 

Private sanitariums should be allowed to run tests and treatment. Buy their own PPE and charge patients accordingly since coronavirus is a scam.

My thoughts.


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